{{userdetails.data.query1[0].id ? browser1.goto('member-profile') : '' }}
Please see your email for more details.
Please wait a few minutes for your email to arrive in your inbox before requesting a new one!

* Check your SPAM and JUNKBOX.

* especially if you are using a GMAIL address.



Register Now!

For you to buy liability insurance you will require to register an account. The account will keep all your policies in one place, so that you can retrieve your policy details.

  • Retreive your Policies
  • Renew your Policies
  • Submit a Claim
Register Here!

You may experience some slight delay in the answering of telephone calls. If the matter is not urgent then please leave a message on our enquiries e-mail, which will be monitored, and we will be back to you as soon as possible – don’t forget you can take out and renew your insurance online.

